Wellbeing in Schools

Awhi Mai Awhi Atu

Awhi Mai Awhi Atu

Our school has been given the opportunity to work in collaboration with Explore Specialist Advice and Ministry of Education to provide counselling in schools.  This is a new national wellbeing programme being offered across New Zealand, which allows students, families/whanau and schools to access free counselling and wellbeing support.

Explore’s Wellbeing Specialist is situated in our school and can work individually with students and/or whānau to help them understand and deal with any issues or problems they may be experiencing.  Through the informed use of Te Whare Tapa Whā and the Mana Manaaki hui process, the Wellbeing Specialist can help develop the necessary coping skills and provide the right support, advice and guidance from a whole-school, group or individualised approach.

We have collaboratively developed a School Delivery Plan with Explore Specialist Advice and Ministry of Education.  This Delivery Plan compliments our school’s culture and reflects the needs and importance of our whānau and community.  The plan to support each student is encompassing of all aspects of their lives and can be accessed through a self, whānau or staff referral process.

If you would like to know more, please contact our school’s Wellbeing Specialist.

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