Governance Information
ERO Report
Board of Trustees
School Policies (School Docs)
Kelly Batten
Presiding Member (Chairperson)
Tēnā koutou
Ko Kelly Batten tōku ingoa. I am mother to three gorgeous children Lillian (14), Georgia (11) and Arlie (2). I have served on the Tamatea Intermediate board for the past three years and now take on the role of presiding member. As an experienced primary school teacher I am extremely passionate about education and ensuring a quality, inclusive and equitable education for all. I look forward to continuing to serve the community in a governance role, supporting the school to strengthen and flourish and provide opportunities for students to achieve greatness in their endeavours.
Maree Matthews
Parent Representative
My name is Maree Matthews, and I am a teacher at Onekawa Primary School. I live with my husband Shaun, who runs his own engineering business, and my two daughters Holly and Ella. Holly was in Year 8 at Tamatea Intermediate last year, and Ella will be a student here in 2024.
I have been a primary school teacher for 23 years and have taught both in New Zealand and in the UK, where I lived for 16 years. I have held various leadership roles in education as well as being a class teacher in all primary year groups up to year 6. I am currently a year 5/6 teacher and am also the staff representative on the Board of Trustees at Onekawa School. I am passionate about education and believe strongly in access to quality education for all.
Karl Wairama
Parent Representative
Ko Takitimu te waka, Ko Tamatea Arikinui te tangata, Ko Ngāi Te Rangikoianake te hapū, Ko Kahuranaki te maunga, Ko Ngaruroro, ko Tukituki ngā awa, Ko Poukawa te waiū, Ko Te Hapuku te tangata
I attended local schools, graduating from Napier Boys High School. I am married and currently have four children, two attending. I have a background in child and adolescent mental health and quality improvement, so I understand the developmental needs of youth, their current challenges, and ways of improving our system. With a strength-based approach, focus on equity and fostering of student’s curiosity, I believe we can offer quality education to all students. I have served on the Napier Kindergarten Board and on our local swimming committee. I coach Hockey at primary level and for the Intermediate as well. I am an avid sports photographer and can often be seen on the side lines or in the pool supporting local and regional events. I am looking forward to serving you on the Tamatea Intermediate School Board of Trustees.
Pii-Tuulia Nikola
Parent Representative
Tēnā koutou, ko Pii-Tuulia taku ingoa. I'm originally from Finland but I have been calling Aotearoa and Napier home for more than 10 years.
My son started at Tamatea Intermediate this year. I'm passionate about ensuring good educational outcomes for all children, and I understand the important role that effective school governance plays in achieving that goal. I believe that my understanding of educational practice in New Zealand and overseas would provide valuable insights to the board.
I'm an Associate Professor at the School of Business at EIT, where I lecture on organisational sustainability, business strategies, and research methods. My research focusses on educational management, policy, and sustainability. My governance experience spans both non-profit and private sectors. My goal would be to ensure that Tamatea Intermediate continues to be a positive environment for all of our tamariki . I would love to bring my educational management and governance experience to the School Board. I would be delighted to receive your support.
Kurstina Pohe
Staff Representative
Kia ora, Ko Kurstina Pohe tōku ingoa
or a.k.a (Princess).
My role is in the learning support team and helping out with other jobs around the school.
Born and breed in the Bay, Titahi bay, Porirua, I have moved around the country both the North and South.
I have held lots of different roles in my life from Kindy cleaner,TF Medic to MOD and am still trying to figure out what I would like to do when I grow up.
I have been blessed with 5 children and 7 moko. (another on the way)
I have recently come into the role as the new board member for Tamatea Intermediate school, I am looking forward to learning new things and meeting new people, I am excited to be even more involved in our wonderful school community and hope I can bring something to the table.
“Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi.”
“Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work”.
Jo Smith
School Principal
Rebekkah Gubb
BOT Secretary
Kia ora, Ko Bekki tōku ingoa
Ko Kurahaupo te waka
Ko Tararua te maunga
Ko Punahau te roto
Ko Hokio te awa
Ko Kohuturoa te marae
Ko Ngāti Pariri te Hapū
Ko Muaūpoko te Iwi
Whakahono, kia tu kaha Muaūpoko
I am BOT Secretary/ PA to the Principal and Administration Manager for Tamatea Intermediate. I hail from Whanganui-a-Tara, and the Wairarapa and moved back to Napier with my family in 2022. I spent many years working with tamariki and rangatahi in my capacity as a teacher and youth worker, and also have four children of my own.
As part of the BOT I am delighted to be able to support the school management team's strategic direction, to ensure our school remains a great place for all ākonga in our community to grow and learn.
We want your voice!
To access our school policies and give feedback on policies that are up for review, head to the Tamatea Intermediate School Docs site -
(click on the logo)
2024 Strategic Plan

For access to the complete strategic plan for 2024 please follow this link

2023 Audited Financial Accounts