Speaking and Listening
Purpose: To help our learners become confident speakers and engaged listeners so that they can communicate effectively and appropriately.
Oral language underpins all learning especially written language
Listening is required to function in all social environments
Skills are developed through talking and listening and purposeful practice
Oral language is fostered through creativity and experimentation
The learners will be given opportunities to use oral language in a variety of formal and informal situations across the curriculum
Learners will be actively involved as speakers and listeners
Oral language skills will be specifically taught at appropriate level
Purpose: Learners need to develop skills which will enable them to read and understand a variety of texts to contribute and involve themselves in society.
Reading is important for personal development
Learners will read daily in the formal reading programme
Reading is a skills based programme
Emphasis will be on understanding and interacting with texts in an increasingly critical way
Reading will be linked with the other English strands
Reading is integrated into the other curriculum areas
The reading programme will involve range of teaching and learning strategies including reading: to; with; and by approaches to meet the needs of the children
Reading programme will involve ongoing assessment and evaluation for learning. The learners will receive quality feed forward and feedback
Purpose: Learners need to develop written skills which will enable them to communicate fluently and effectively through written language.
Learners need to be exposed to all the different text styles
The writing programme should build progressively
Writing enables learners to communicate with others. It enables them to actively explore ideas and to reflect on and select appropriate language