Māori Achievement
Promoting Māori Student Achievement
Ministry of Education data indicates that historically Māori students are not achieving as well as other students in New Zealand. We monitor Māori student achievement and engagement levels and if/when necessary implement effective strategies to address non-achievement.
Kahikatia Accelerating Success 2013-2107 states that Māori students do much better when education reflects and values their identity, language and culture and this is a central focus. In discussion and consultation with our community we have identified some common strategies and approaches considered good practice. As teachers make every effort to promote these strategies and raise Māori achievement.
Integrated learners’ identity, language and culture into teaching and learning
Use learner achievement data to target resources for optimal effect
Provide early intensive support for those learners at risk of falling behind
Retain high expectations for Māori learners and support all stakeholders in retaining these high expectations.
Fostering and nurturing educationally powerful connections relationships between teachers, learners and whānau
Māori learner engagement and achievement is an explicit focus
Recognise and celebrate success
Ensuring School Leadership is focused on quality teaching and learning
Learner progress and achievement will be identified, monitored and reported on
Support successful transitions (contributing school to Intermediate, class to class, Intermediate to High School, mid year enrolments, mid year departures
Engage community and iwi partners to give us feedback for improvement in meeting the needs of our learners